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Welcome to the Whitetulip Health Foundation (WHF) USMLE Center!

WHF USMLE Center has been established to provide a comprehensive mentorship program to WHF members during their USMLE journeys.

The United States Medical License Examinations (USMLE) is a three-part exam for medical licensing in the United States. The USMLE evaluates a physician’s or medical student’s medical knowledge and skills to apply concepts and principles, and essential patient-centered medical approach for safe and effective patient care. For further information, please visit

WHF USMLE Center consists of three divisions: Step 1, Step 2 CK and Step 3. Each division accepts applications for respective USMLEs and aims to guide enrolled candidates throughout their exam preparation.

  1. The applicant must be a member of the Whitetulip Health Foundation.
  2. The applicant must be planning to take respective USMLE steps (Step 1, Step 2 CK or Step 3) within the next 12 months.
  3. The applicant must be willing to follow rules and regulations of WHF USMLE Center as outlined below.

Applicants will be considered for the mentorship program only after completing the application form and providing all required documents.

  1. Each applicant will be assigned a mentor once his/her application is accepted.
  2. The mentorship program is limited to maximum of 1 year (12 months) for each of USMLE Steps. If an applicant cannot take his/her examination within 12 months of enrollment, the mentorship program will be terminated at the end of this period.
  3. Each applicant can only be enrolled once in the mentorship program for the same USMLE Step.
  4. Applicants are expected to give permission to WHF USMLE Center to collect/store their relevant personal and professional information to be able to provide mentorship services.
  5. Applicants are expected to maintain an open loop of communication with their mentors throughout mentorship program (by email, text or phone calls). Failure to do so will result in termination of mentorship services.
  6. Applicants are expected to report their academic progress regularly in appropriate channels guided by the mentorship program. Failure to do so will result in termination of mentorship services.
  7. Times of our mentors are quite valuable as they voluntarily spend their time for their mentees. WHF USMLE Center expects all mentees to treat their mentors with appreciation and respect all the time.
  8. Although it is not an absolute requirement, mentees enrolled in the program are expected to provide mentorship services to younger generations once they take respective USMLE Steps successfully.

Interested candidates can apply to their desired mentorship program using one of the options below.