USMLE Step 2 Webinar – Biostatistics
We have an upcoming webinar about the biostatistics for USMLE Step 2 applicants.
Tahir Metin Piskin, MD
Epidemiologist & Biostatistician
Join our USMLE Step 2 Webinar about Biostatistics.
Part I: Thursday, July 22, 2021
Part II: Saturday, July 24, 2021
Part III: Monday, July 26, 2021
9:00 PM (New York)
8:00 PM (Houston)
6:00 PM (Los Angeles)
- Pre-registration is required at least 24 hours prior to the webinar by sending an e-mail to medgraduate@whitetulip.org with the following info by clicking here.
- Full name
- Proof of active USMLE Step1 UWorld Account
- Single preregistration will suffice to attend all 3 seminars.
- Pre-registered individuals will receive a link to join the webinar. The same link will be used for all 3 seminars.
Kindly share the above information with the related volunteers.