Cleveland Medical Forum
Speaker: Gregory T. MacLennan, MD; Procuring Human Tissue for Biomedical Research
Gregory T. MacLennan, MD
Professor of Pathology and Division Chief, Anatomic Pathology
Director, Pathology Residency Training Program
Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Case Medical Center
Dr. Gregory MacLennan earned his M.D. degree from the University of Manitoba, Canada, in 1971. He spent six years training in General Surgery and Urology at Manitoba Affiliated Teaching Hospitals, and followed this with a fellowship in Urodynamics at St. Peter’s Hospitals, London, England. From 1978 until 1989, Dr. MacLennan practiced Urology in Grand Forks, N.D. and progressed from Clinical Instructor to Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine. In 1989, he returned to Manitoba Affiliated Teaching Hospitals and spent 5 years in Residency and fellowship training in Anatomic Pathology and Cytopathology.In 1994 began a Fellowship in Surgical and Genitourinary Pathology at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. Following his Fellowship, he joined the staff of the Department of Pathology at CWRU in 1995. Dr. MacLennan is Board certified in both Urology and Anatomic Pathology in both Canada and the United States. Additionally, he is Board certified in Cytopathology. Currently, Dr. MacLennan is Director of the Human Tissue Procurement Facility at University Hospitals of Cleveland, Director of the Tissue Procurement and Histology Core of the Ireland Cancer Center, and Director of Surgical Pathology in the Department of Pathology. He is Professor of Pathology, Urology, and Oncology at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine.